JAN 2ND | Executive Committee Meeting | Jubilee House | 5:30pm |
JAN 10TH | Presbytery leaders All-night | Bethlehem, Teshie District | 9:00pm |
JAN 11TH | Leader’s party | Bethel Congregation | 10:00am |
JAN 12TH | Career, social, finance mentorship | Congregation | |
JAN 12TH | Executive council meeting | Jubilee House Osu | 10:30am |
JAN 19TH | District Executive meeting | Oklepekuku | 12:00noon |
31st JAN – 2ND FEB | JY/Children’s service retreat | Abokobi – PWC | |
FEB 9TH | District Council meeting | Oklepekuku | 12:00noon |
FEB 9TH | Executive Committee Meeting | Jubilee House – Osu | 10:00am |
FEB 15TH | Presbytery General meeting | Jubilee House – Osu | 9:00am |
FEB 23RD | Chairperson’s Party | La District | 1:00pm |
MAR 1ST | District General meeting | Peace-be | 12:30pm |
MAR 6TH – 8TH | Presbytery Conference | Abokobi – PWC | 3:00pm |
MAR 28TH | Area Debate Competition | Area level | 9:00am |
MAR 29TH | Executive Committee Meeting | Jubilee House – Osu | 9:00am |
APR 4TH | Ghanaian Language Exams | Teshie | 8:00am |
APR 12TH | Executive Committee Meeting | Jubilee House – Osu | 9:00am |
APR 18TH | District Games and Debate | Oklepekuku | 8:00am |
MAY 4TH – 9TH | Week of prayer and fasting | All congregation | |
MAY 9TH | District All day prayer | Grace | 9:00am |
MAY 10TH | Executive Committee meeting | Jubilee House Osu | 9:00am |
MAY 17TH | Executive council meeting | Jubilee House Osu | 11:00am |
MAY 24TH | District executive meeting | Oklepekuku | 12:00noon |
MAY 30TH | Seminar on Career guidance | Ascension | 8:00am |
JUN 7TH | District council meeting | Oklepekuku | 12:00noon |
JUN 13TH | Area program | Area level | 9:00am |
JUN 14TH | Executive Committee Meeting | Jubilee House Osu | 9:00am |
JUN 20TH | Presbytery General meeting | Jubilee House Osu | 9:00am |
JUN 21ST | District General meeting | Peace | 12:30noon |
JUN 27TH | District Bible Quiz | Nazareth | 8:00am |
JULY 11TH | Leadership Seminar | Victory, Fafraha | 8:00am |
JULY 13TH – 18TH | JY Week | All Congregation | |
JULY 19TH | JY Sunday | Osu | |
AUG 9TH | Executive Committee Meeting | Jubilee House Osu | 9:00am |
AUG 16TH | Executive council meeting | Jubilee House Osu | 11:00am |
AUG 23RD | District Executive meeting | Oklepekuku | 12:00noon |
AUG 28TH | Excursion (Industrial) | ||
AUG | Zonal Bible Quiz | ||
AUG | Graduation to YPG | All Congregation | |
AUG 30TH | Executive Committee Meeting | Jubilee House Osu | 9:00am |
SEPT 5TH | Presbytery General meeting | Jubilee House Osu | 9:00am |
SEPT 11TH | District Al-night | Emmanuel | 9:00pm |
SEP | Area program | Area level | 9:00am |
SEPT 26TH | Presbytery Bible Quiz | Jubilee House Osu | 8:00am |
SEPT 27TH | District General meeting | Maranatha | 12:30noon |
OCT 10TH | District Hymn Festival | Bethel | |
OCT 10TH | Executive committee meeting | Jubilee House Osu | 9:00am |
OCT 18TH | Executive Council meeting | Jubilee House Osu | 1:00am |
OCT | District Executive meeting | Oklepekuku | 12:00noon |
OCT 23RD – 25TH | Annual leaders Training Course | Abokobi – PWC | |
31ST OCT – 1ST NOV | District Delegate Conference | Victory | 8:00am |
NOV 8TH | Executive committee meeting | Jubilee House – Osu | 9:00am |
NOV 14TH | Presbytery General meeting | Jubilee House – Osu | 9:00am |
NOV | Area program | Area level | 9:00am |
NOV | Zonal Hymn Festival | ||
DEC 6TH | District General meeting | Moitso | 12:30noon |
DEC 4TH – 6TH | Annual Leaders Training Course | Abokobi – PWC | |
DEC 12TH | Presbytery Hymn Festival / Carol Day | Accra New Town District | 9:00am |